COVID-19 Vaccines and PLHIV


In March 2020, we were one of the first organizations in the Philippines to conduct a series of webinars on HIV and COVID related topics, as a supplemental learning for the HTTP graduates. The webinars were developed as a way to ensure the continuity of care for People Living With HIV (PLHIVs) and at-risk groups during the COVID-19 pandemic & ensuing lockdowns.

This webinar series greatly benefitted our HTTP graduates, as well as other primary care workers, by providing timely knowledge and awareness in order to adapt and respond to the challenges brought upon by the pandemic.

This year, as the Philippine government is about to roll out a national vaccination program against COVID-19, we are at a critical point where knowledge must be shared to HIV healthcare providers, and vaccine confidence boosted among PLHIVs, while focusing on the latest science and updates on HIV and COVID-19 vaccines.

Here are the Q&A topics that followed:

The most common question sent in by attendees was whether special provisions were to be made for PLHIV for easier access to the vaccine. Worries about confidentiality, disclosure, and unnecessary exposure to the public of immunocompromised individuals were the reasons given for desire for a more localized area of distribution.

We will follow up with the Department of Health for a statement regarding this concern.

HIV Telehealth Training Program lectures are online!

History & Epidemiology of HIV
Clinical Course of HIV
The First Clinic Visit
Treatment Adherence
Treatment Failure & Resistance
Long-term Complications of ART
Starting ART during Opportunistic Infections
Common Opportunistic Infections
Hepatitis & HIV Co-infection
Tuberculosis in HIV
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Management of Dyslipidemia in HIV
Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission
Pediatric HIV
Neurologic concerns in HIV
Mental Health, Crisis Management, and Counseling
PhilHealth OHAT Package
Harm Reduction
HIV & the Law
Stigma & Discrimination
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Expression
Trans Health
Self Care for Providers

HIV and COVID-19

The HIV Telehealth Training Program (http), along with our partner experts, join us in creating the COVID-19 Supplemental Sessions for healthcare providers and our fellow Filipinos — hour long learning videos with live Q&As with our participants.

  1. COVID-19 101

Dr. Kate Leyritana discusses the basics of SARS-Cov-2 and COVID-19 disease. What testing and treatment modalities available locally, and how to approach someone who comes for a consult and presents with signs and symptoms.

This video was broadcasted on March 31, and some newer data may have come forth since then.

2. Life in the Time of COVID

How do we keep our homes and workplaces free from COVID-19? Dr. Angelo Ramos gives us some tips on how to stay safe while staying at home.

3. HIV Care Continuum During Philippine ECQ

Metro Manila, NCR, and eventually the whole of Luzon was placed on Enhanced Community Quarantine on March 12, 2020. Foremost on the minds of PLHIVs were how to get their ARTs when public transportation was unavailable. Benjamin Banguingan of DOH NCR explains how access to medications must remain universal despite the lockdown.

4. HIV and COVID-19

It has been reported widely that immunocompromised people are at high risk for mortality and complications once with COVID-19. Is this true? What’s the story on COVID and HIV? Dr. Louie Ocampo of UNAIDS enlightens us.

5. Communication and Resilience

Social Isolation with is not an easy thing to go through. How can we survive this? Do we come out of this as different versions of ourselves? Is there a New Normal we need to conform to?

Dr. Gia Sision and Dr. RJ Naguit discuss Mental Wellness while on lockdown, while Professor Beng Ramos-Mortel discusses Risk Communication strategies for our healthcare workers.

HTTP Batch 3 Session Topics

Module 1: Basic Knowledge on HIV Care

Session 1
Nov 7, 2019
Lecture 1: History & Epidemiology
Lecture 2: Clinical Course of HIV
Dr. Angelo Ramos
Dr. Karl Evans Henson
Session 2
Nov 14, 2019
Lecture 3: First Visit
Lecture 4: PhilHealth & OHAT
Dr. Kate Leyritana
Dr. Mary Ann Remonte
Session 3
Nov 21, 2019
Lecture 5: TB & HIV Dr. Christine Penalosa-Ramos
Session 4
Nov 28, 2019
Lecture 6: Common Opportunistic Infections Dr. Cybele Abad
Session 5
Dec 5, 2019
Lecture 7: ART Dosing & Side Effects Dr. Kate Leyritana
Session 6
Dec 12, 2019
Lecture 8: Follow-up of patients on treatment Dr. Joseph Buensalido

Session 7
Dec 19, 2019
Lecture 9: Adherence Ed Busi

Session 8
Jan 7, 2020
Lecture 10: Treatment Failure and ResistanceDr. Edsel Salvana

Module 2: Advanced Knowledge on HIV Care

Session 9
Jan 9, 2020
Lecture 11: Non-Infectious
Neurological Issues
Dr. Michelle Anlacan
Session 10
Jan 16, 2020
Lecture 12: Mental Health & Crisis Management, and Counseling Ivy Hapitan
Session 11
Jan 23, 2020
Lecture 13: Dermatology
Lecture 14: Nutrition & Wellness
Dr. Coco Tiongson
Sir Arvin Orajay
Session 12
Jan 30, 2020
Lecture 15: PEP, PrEP, SRR
Dr. Dessi Roman
Session 13
Feb 6, 2020
Lecture 16: Substance Abuse &
Harm Reduction
Lecture 17: Hepatitis and HIV
Rod Olete
Dr. Edhel Tripon
Session 14
Feb 13, 2020
Lecture 18: Prevention of Mother-
to-Child Transmission
Lecture 19: Pediatric HIV

Dr. Helen Madamba
Dr. Jing Pagcatipunan
Session 15
Feb 20, 2020
Lecture 20: SOGIESC
Lecture 21: Transhealth
Naomi Fontanos
Dr. Jojo Sescon
Session 16
Feb 27, 2020
Lecture 22:
HIV Stigma and Discrimination
Lecture 23: STI & Management
Dr. Louie Ocampo
Dr. Evalyn Roxas
Session 17
Mar 5, 2020
Lecture 24: RA 11166
Lecture 25: Self Care
Marcel Millam
Dr. Ronald Castillo
Supplemental Session 1COVID 101 Dr. Kate Leyritana
Supplemental Session 2Life in the Time of COVIDDr. Angelo Ramos
Continuity of CareBenj Baguingan
Supplemental Session 3 COVID-19 and
HIV, Sex and Intimacy
Dr. Louie Ocampo
Supplemental Session 4Mental Health Awareness
During a Pandemic
Dr. Gia Sison
Dr. RJ Naguit
Risk CommunicationProf. Buenalyn

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