About Us

Sustained Health Initiatives of the Philippines (SHIP), Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit organization that offers high-quality, affordable HIV and primary care directly to the communities that need it most.

By providing HIV care, building capacity, and testing innovative approaches, SHIP aims to get more people into treatment, and save lives.

We create sustainable, one-stop-shop community clinics in high impact areas throughout the Philippines.


SHIP’s mission is to bridge gaps in the HIV response by strengthening the continuum of care through innovation, partnerships, and capacity building.


SHIP envisions a holistic approach to health and wellness that enables people in the Philippines to achieve their potential.

Core Values

  • High-leverage
    • Our philosophy is to simplify. We design our services to be low-cost and high-impact. Innovative and results-driven We want to be on the cutting edge of HIV care, bringing evidence-based best practices to the market as fast as possible. We are open to new ideas, and will serve as an incubator to drive change and innovation.
  • Client Driven
    • We listen to the people infected and affected by HIV. We draw on the first-hand experiences of our clients and find solutions that meet their needs.
  • Inclusive and Ethical
    • Stigma and discrimination have no place in our community. Fear and outdated perceptions are the biggest barriers we currently face in combating the HIV epidemic. We continually challenge bias and discrimination where we see it.
  • Sustainable
    • The SHIP clinic(s) are lowcost, fee-for-service facilities. Our programs generate revenues to cover operating costs and day-to-day functions.
  • Scalable
    • SHIP aims to empower everyone involved in HIV care to take action: patients, physicians, families, and advocates. Our approach can be easily replicated, so long as we have passionate and visionary people driving it forward.

The Board of Trustees

Anthony Decoste, Chair
Cara O’Connor, Trustee
Lorenzo Lewis, Trustee
Dr. Kate Leyritana, Trustee
David Randolph Caldwell, Trustee
Dr. Andre Daniel Villanueva, Trustee and Corporate Secretary

The Crew

Jerome Daclison, Executive Director
Remedios Pascual, Senior Finance and Admin Manager
Antonette Acuña, Senior Finance and Admin Officer
Rodenie Olete, Technical Writer

Project LeaderSHIP

PROJECT TITLE: Sub-Recipient for Field Operations and Service Delivery – Global Fund HIV-FR 2024-2026 [Grant Cycle 7] Philippines Response in Optimizing Testing, Empowered Communities, Treatment and Sustainability (PROTECTS) V2 – Upscaling Programs and Services to the Communities Affected by and Living with HIV to end the Epidemic (UPSCALE)

Russell Tabisula, Program Manager
Oscar Oliveros, Field Operations Manager
Mark De Castro, Strategy Manager
Dallas Zirfala, HR Manager
Remedios Pascual, Finance and Admin Manager

PROJECT TITLE: SAIL Clinics – Key Population-friendly One-stop-shop Private Clinic Model In NCR and Region 4A

Earl Patrick Penabella, Program Manager
Leo Pura, Operations Manager
Jonathan Gonzales, Strategic Information Lead
Mira Grace Velano, HR Officer
Antonette Acuña, Senior Finance and Admin Officer
Joma Ragragio, Communications Officer

PROJECT TITLE: #PsySE-SDN: A Capacity-Building & Service Delivery Network for Mental Health & Social Welfare Professionals to Provide Psycho-SocioEconomic Support for PLHIV in the Philippines

Rodenie Olete, Project Lead
Ferolyn Guillermo, Project Coordinator